

Sexual Harassment and Violence - Student Reporting Tool

Ofsted Review of Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges Report Published

The review consisted of visits to 32 schools and colleges, discussions with school and college leaders, over 900 children, teachers, governors, local safeguarding partners (LSP), parents and stakeholders.

The review found that for some children incidents of sexual abuse are so common that they see no point in reporting them. It was apparent that girls’ sexual harassment and online sexual abuse is much more prevalent than adults realise.

High numbers of children, 92% of girls and 74% of boys said sexist name-calling is a regular occurrence, meaning many children view harmful sexual behaviour as normal.

The report highlights the lack of reporting of sexual abuse and harassment by children. In some cases there was a concern regarding the repercussions of reporting it, children feeling that no further action will be taken and the feeling of it being too little too late.

It was noted that in some schools and colleges some teachers and leaders underestimated the scale of the problem. There was an apparent lack of understanding, training and awareness surrounding sexual abuse and harassment.

Removing a nude image shared online

A new online tool has been launched by Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation, which will allow the under 18s to report any nude image of themselves that have found their way onto the internet.  This is simply done by creating an account with Childline and reporting a particular image. The tool can be found by following this link 

Remove a Nude Image Shared Online


Rights Respecting School

The Fen Rivers Academy Rights Respecting School

The UNCRC Rights Respecting Schools framework underpins everything we do at the Fen Rivers Academy. It ensures the child is kept as the focus of all our practice and support and that adults as Duty bearers uphold these rights. It links in with so many aspects around children’s rights; accessing education, the curriculum aims in subject areas that we teach and how (article 28/29), using it as a reflective and restorative approach around behaviour, supporting mental health and wellbeing in children’s freedom to express themselves and be taken seriously (article 12/13), working with external agencies under the Prevent Strategy in working with Police and communities around protection from harm and safeguarding, (drugs, crime, exploitation- articles 32-36) and the dangers of radicalisation with teaching children about their right to an identity, with different cultures, language and religious beliefs being accepted under mutual respect and tolerance.

It is a privilege to be an Ambassador of Children’s Rights and I am pleased our school is continuing to succeed in our journey from Silver to Gold.

Jude Henson (Rights Respecting Schools Lead)

Congratulations to the Fen Rivers Academy! We have successfully achieved the second stage ofthe RRSA. We are now Silver: Rights Aware.


Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing service for children and young people.  

You can find one to one support from a friendly practitioner or engage with our amazing community of people just like you.

Exploring who we are is an exciting part of life, but it can be scary too. Below are some activities to help you build valuable life skills. Pick one to try! Among other things, these activities can help us:

  • Connect with others
  • Build helpful habits
  • Manage our emotions
  • Express ourselves

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